Friday, June 11, 2010

Wake up in the morning feeling like going back to bed....

So the day started with us being in Hannibal, Missouri proudly displaying our Hannibal Warrior's football t-shirts. Hannibal is a kind of nice town and very artsy-fartsy antiquey down in the section that focuses on Mark Twain. We went on the cave tour that Twain used as his inspiration for writing Tom Sawyer. The cave was pretty cool I guess, but if you want to see a really cool cave you gotta check out Howe's Caverns. That was pretty sweet.

After that we kind of walked around downtown Hannibal just to see what it was like and if we could find anything Hannibal High School related. We stopped in one store that was all antiques and stuff and had free samples. I sampled some of their world famous Sweet Potato Butter on a Tostito's Scoops chip. I must say, I reckon that it is world famous cause it was the best darn Sweet Potato Butter that this blogger has ever tasted. I give it my highest rating ever given out on this blog to a Sweet Potato Butter which is a thrilling 6 thumbs up! The guy then asked us where we were from, and when we said Hannibal NEW YORK, he didn't seem very impressed, even going so far as to say Hamilton instead of Hannibal. Oh well...why isn't anyone we met impressed we are from Hannibal?

An important part of keeping ourselves sane on this trip has been the music selection. Whenever it is my turn to play my Ipod, I put it on random shuffle. Two songs almost always come up in the random shuffle of the nearly 1800 songs- and those songs are "Be A Man" and "A Girl Worth Fighting For" from the Disney movie Mulan. I'm not complaining though - far from it. We belt it out each time it comes on with honor and dignity, and even going so far as to roll down the windows when the time seems right.

One of our better ideas, however, came when we were driving through Iowa. We were about halfway through the state when we realized we had the soundtrack that defined the great Hawkeye state - The Music Man. Being the thespian and Musical star that I was (not to brag - but I was rated as the sixth best Salesman #5 and second best town person #3 in all of Oswego County the year we performed it)I was able to really blast some songs. I think Iowa appreciated our appreciating their rich culture and tradition by rolling down our windows and singing it.

Speaking of driving though, the further west/north we get, the higher the speed limit gets. Currently, the speed limit is 75 mph. Who knows where this craziness will stop. Maybe it's 80 in North Dakota. That would be a real doozy!

Speaking of driving though, Beki tells me I have a real road-rage problem. It's not about a lot of stuff though - just one thing in particular. That thing is passing on the right. If I see some smart-alec trying to pass a bunch of people on the right, I connect telepathically with the other cars around me and we do our best to box that guy in. That's the one thing that really grinds my gears. Don't worry mom, other than that I'm driving really safe.

South Dakota is a really gorgeous state. Driving through their during the twilight hours and when the sun is setting on all that grass is really a sight to behold. There weren't as many farms in SD as in Iowa, so there was a lot more plush, greenery in the area. However, with that being said there was a serious problem. We did pass a group of farms at some point and I am pretty sure they weren't using Animal Manure, but Human Manure. It was real bad. I'm talking like someone taking a port-o-potty and flipping it upside down and just spreading it everywhere. Luckily Beki had some perfume or some jount in the car that she sprayed and made the bad smell go away. So please, people, if you get any agricultural products from SD, drop it right now and throw it away. You don't know how that thing was fertilized.

Alright so I am dead tired now. It's about Midnight:15 and I think it's time for bed. I'm growing a very masculine beard, kind of like hockey players grow their playoff beards, for this trip. I've already been stopped a few times by people asking me if I was the Bounty man. Easy mistake to make I guess.

On the agenda for tomorrow is Wall Drug (I still don't get what the big deal is about that place - I guess we'll find out tomorrow) and Mt. Rushmore (whatever that is!) After that, it's gonna kick into high gear on the westward movement. Be sure to send me lots of text messages and/or phone calls to keep me entertained.

Until then, stay classy east coast.

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