Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm baaaaack. I'm currently sitting in Portland Int'l Airport waiting for my flight to take off. It got delayed an hour, so I have even more time to do nothing!

So I believe our last point of leaving off was the final push we were making westward. Well we arrived to Oregon and Beki's apartment without a hitch. Cool thing: You're not allowed to pump your own gas in Oregon. Not only that, but usually the people who pump the gas for you clean off your windshield as well. And to make it even BETTER, you don't have to tip them! I might just say forget this whole Spanish thing, let's go and pump gas in Oregon.

The first day we basically just waited on Beki's landlord giant to let her in. After that we made a run to Wal-Mart where she picked up a desk that I assembled. Now, I don't want to brag, but it might be the finest piece of furniture (Is a desk considered furniture?) ever assembled in the state of Oregon. I give it my personal 99-year guarantee. I don't like to brag, but I've been called the Picasso of my generation with a screwdriver and a hammer. Later on in the week, I put together a bookshelf as well. I don't guarantee that one for 99-years. I'll give it 45.

At some point we made another trip out to Sonic. I just have to sing it's praises. It is without question the greatest fast food chain in all of North America. Half priced drinks from 2-4 every day and they had a buy one get one free Milkshake deal going on. ALSO, milkshakes in Oregon were drinkable. Must just be a midwestern thing where they like to eat their milkshakes. Also, Sonic has Corndogs. Awesome. The last time I had a Corndog I think I was like, 7.

Most of Wednesday during the day was spent again working on the desk and reading (Now working on Tales of the South Pacific - Another fabulous read) and watching movies (Stranger Than Fiction - Loved It, A Mighty Wind - Super Loved it and For Your Consideration - Not Awful). Basically Wednesday was a just relax and do nothing day except unpack and show what wonderful skills I have with a screwdriver and hammer.

On Thursday we drove out to the Ocean and Coos Bay (Home of Steve Prefontaine). I've now seen both oceans, which is pretty cool. There are lots of pictures, but they're not going to come until Monday when Beki gets internet, most likely. Coos Bay wasn't much - we basically just drove through it. We made a few stops here and there to take pictures of things, most notably an interestingly named State Park.

Friday was spent working on the bookcase and packing myself up. We were going to stop at Powell's book store which is supposed to be a massive one located near the airport, but Maggie (Our Magellan GPS) brought us to some bakery. Stupid Maggie. So instead I got the Airport a little earlier than anticipated and got to wait in the Airport.

A few random Oregonian Observations:

They don't mess around about logging. They are very serious about their trees and their ability to carve it up. In fact, I saw at least 2 different Chainsaw Carving competition signs on the way to Coos Bay.

In New York you may see lots of trucks carrying covered loads. In Oregon, all those Big Rigs are carrying cut down giant tree logs. The trees in Oregon are quite bizarre as it is. I think that there will be some pictures coming anyway to prove my point.

T.A.D.A. - Teens Against Drug Abuse (I Think) Anyways, it's their equivalent of DARE I think. TADA vs. DARE? Come on, we all know DARE is way cooler.

So for now, I'm gonna finish reading South Pacific and get ready for my trip back to the future. I might add some things in here and there as I am able to remember things from the few days when I was unable to post, but this is probably my last major post with words, as the next few will probably be mainly of pictures.

So, I dare not say goodbye forever because who knows when I will be traveling again. So, instead of saying goodbye, Hasta Luego.

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