Monday, June 14, 2010

Dueling Banjos

So today started our serious westward push into the new frontiers of Washington and Oregon. Spent basically the whole day in the car, so there wasn't much to really go out and do.

We started the day in Montana and breakfast in itself was rather interesting. The accents in Montana are priceless. We listened to one lady on the radio who must have never set foot outside of Montana, her accent was so strong. They hold their a's out real long. She said something at one point like, "I hoop yew awll haave a nice dee" (I hope you all have a nice day - don't worry for those of you who needed that translated, I almost needed one to listen to that as well.)

After our time in Montana, we set for the road. We went through that really skinny part of Idaho in the northern section. I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was going to be all potato farms or something like that. But there wasn't hardly any farmland at all. It was actually really mountainous and a bunch of streams running through. It was quite pretty, but this time instead of reminding me of "Misery", it reminded much more of "Deliverance". Needless to say, I wasn't too upset when we left Idaho.

Also, for those of you concerned about our License plate game have no fear - we just got New Mexico! We're almost there!

We arrived through Washington and Oregon and both states kind of blended together. Driving through Washington kind of made me think of what I would picture Arizona as - all the grass was crab grass and it looked really dry and dusty. Maybe the area is just going through a drought or something but I thought it would be much more green than that.

Speaking of being green - Oregon's fine for littering is $6,250. In NYS, what is it, like $500 or $300? I guess Oregon cares quite a bit about their environment. Also I was excited to get to Washington and Oregon because I thought the speed limit would be 80, but instead it dropped back down to 65. Come on Northwest, pick it up a notch!

Other than that, I can't say much because everything I have to say is basically in pictures, so I'll have to wait until I get those uploaded and then you can all see what I've been talking about.

Not sure when I'm gonna update again because tomorrow I'll be staying at Beki's apartment and I don't think there is any internet there yet. But hopefully I'll be able to upload those photos tomorrow.

Until then, be good, America.

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