Sunday, June 13, 2010

Into the great wide open

So the day started with us being a few hours outside of the Yellowstone Park entrance. We were slated to arrive at Yellowstone at about noon or so as told to us by our GPS.

Well, on our trek out we had to climb a giant, winding mountain. The whole time up these twisting and turning roads I kept thinking to myself "Boy this reminds me an awful lot like the movie Misery. Good thing it's not snowing out." After about 45 minutes or so of taking our time climbing up this giant mountain, and also stopping at various points along the way to take pictures of the snow-topped peaks and streams that were running through the valleys, we reached the top of the mountain. It wasn't an easy trip up there and needless to say we were glad we had finally reached the peak.

We were glad, that is, until we saw the sign saying "ROAD CLOSED". There were no other options for us. We had to turn around, and go all the way back down the giant mountain of doom. I guess it wasn't ALL bad - we did get to see the sights all over again!

But, with all that, our arrival to Yellowstone was seriously delayed. I believe we ended up arriving around 3 or so? We saw some serious sights though. Lots of Bison/Buffalo (is there a difference between the two) and sheep/elk/deer along the way. We didn't get to see any bears though so that was a kind of a bummer. We got out at a few scenic points and took some pictures, but for the most part we just kind of drove around. I think car fatigue was setting in at that point, and despite all the beautiful scenery, we couldn't muster the energy to go on any hikes or the likes of it. Going back to Yellowstone would be something I'd be interested in doing again. You can't really do Yellowstone in under 2 days though I feel like. It's such a massive park with so many different sights to see and walks to take.

This post really can't do much justice to this leg of the trip because pictures are needed. I would upload those pictures here, however Beki lost her camera upload cord, so that is going to have to wait.

One of the things that has been entertaining us on this trip has been, of course, the license plate game! So far, we have 45/50 states. Hawaii, Alaska, New Mexico, Delaware and Alabama are the ones we're missing. Delaware and Alabama are gonna be tough ones to come by. I think the other three can be found, however. If we're going to find an Hawaii license plate anywhere, I think it's gonna be in Oregon or in the Pacific Northwest. Like Kevin Garnett said, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!

Other than that, these next couple of blogs might be a little, uh, lacking in substance. Gonna be spent mostly on the road. I guess I'll try to make as many observations as possible.

Tip of the day - Read "Our Man in Havana". Good book.

Until then, don't ruin the future for me, East Coasters!!!

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